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The UCEQUA 2.0 implant holding containers are made of clear polystyrene (tubes), polyethylene (caps), high density polyethylene (screw support) and polyester (extensions). All the materials are suitable for gamma-ray sterilization.
The outer cap can come with or without an O-ring seating.
The tubes are made of clear colored material and the caps are available in various colors, to help better identify the different implant diameters. Color: white, yellow, fuchsia, red, purple, blue, gray, black.
UCEQUA 2.0 is available in both double packaging UCEQUA 2.0 TI and in single packaging UCEQUA 2.0 TI/TV. The small tube is separated into two compartments: the implant part has a seat within which the implant stop is inserted and a seat for the titanium ring, and the screw support can be inserted in the second compartment.
The implant stop is used to block the implant that is inserted in the tube by passing through a titanium ring. There is a specific implant stop size for every implant height. There is a seating to insert a titanium disk in the part that will come into contact with the implant. There are only two titanium parts that the user can make with this type of packaging: the ring, which will vary based on the diameter, and the disk, which will always be the same.
The screw support can be inserted into the second compartment of the little tube by means of pressure. This support holds the screw and keeps it in a position so that it can be extracted. Supports for 3 different screw sizes are already available, but new versions can be created if necessary.
The clear UCEQUA 2.0 containers are made of polystyrene (PS) and use the “plastic collection 06” recycling code.
The caps and screw support are made of polyethylene (PE) and use the “plastic collection 04” and “plastic collection 02” recycling code.
The extensions are made of polyester and use the “plastic collection 07” recycling code.
The UCEQUA 2.0 containers are used in the dental industry as implant packaging components.