What is environmental labelling?
Starting on January 1, 2023, Italian legislative decree 2020 no. 116 of 3 September 2020 comes into force that implements Directive (EU) 2018/851 on waste and Directive (EU) 2018/852 on packaging and packaging waste.
What does the legislative decree specify?
That all the information that facilitates the collection, reuse, recovery and recycling of the packaging must be indicated on all packaging released on the market and intended for the end user.
The labels must therefore provide both information about the nature of the product as well as directions for its proper disposal and must be applied on all parts that can be separated manually.
This information must concern: packaging that is offered to the end consumer for sale or even free of charge; packaging that is in the form of a prepackaged product offered to the end consumer for sale or even free of charge, whereas packaging destined for the B2B channel is excluded (packaging that, as such in the form of prepackaged products, is transferred to a “professional”, that is a “physical or legal person who carries out their business, trade, craft or profession directly or acts as an intermediary” (art. 3 para. 1 of the Consumer Code).
The producers of the packaging are required to indicate the type of material used for the packaging as well as to correctly inform who is obligated to apply the labelling for the end user.
What is IPPI's role?
IPPI’s containers can become the packaging for various types of products, depending on how the customer will use them.
In this case, the environmental label that the customer will place on their product must contain information regarding the type of material and instructions on correct disposal, also for the parts produced by IPPI.
Therefore in this case IPPI is considered a packaging manufacturer.

How does IPPI comply with its information obligations?
In order to provide clear and efficient information regarding the type of materials it used, also for the smallest components, IPPI provides a designated area on each product page on its website.
The type of plastic or other material used is indicated for each part of the product, also by using the alphanumeric code as provided by Directive 94/62/EC and directions for correct disposal.
As concerns cardboard packaging or any bags IPPI uses for the packaging and transport of its items, the information will be provided on them.
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